Volunteer application Göteborg Film Festival 2024 
Apply to become a volunteer or short term employee at Göteborg Film Festival Jan 26th - Feb 4th 2024.

We're glad that you want to volunteer with us at Göteborg Film Festival!

We are one of the largest Film Festivals in Europe and every year we welcome around 200 volunteers who by doing different things on different positions make the festival possible.

All of our volunteers have to be at least 18 years old and be able to work during the majority of the festival. For most of the positions you need to be able to stand up and be active many hours at a time. If you can't - please tell us in the application and we will do our best to find a position that works for you!

As a thanks for your participation you will get food during your shift, volunteer clothes, a subscription to Draken Film and possibility to watch movies during the festival.

You will receive more info via email.

Please note that this is only an application and doesn't guarantee a placement at the festival.
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Email *
First name: *
Last name: *
Date of birth: *
Phone number: *
Emergency-contact (name, relationship and phone number): *
Languages that you can speak and write: *
Have you been a volunteer at Göteborg Film Festival before? If so, when and what did you do? *
Tell us more about you and your skills: *
I am able to *
Do you have a hoodie from previous year that you can use? (It can NOT have a year on it) *
If not, preferred clothing size:
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What positions are you interested in? See explanation below. *
Positions/work areas
Cinema host
Do you want to meet the audience? Here you are part of a small, close team at a cinema being led by a coordinator, and you are responsible for helping the audience in and out, answering questions and keeping everything nice and tidy. You need to be comfortable introducing movies in English and be able to handle a smartphone. As cinema host you will work many hours, but also get the opportunity to watch movies during your shifts.  

Audience host
Do you want to meet our audience and help them with their technical issues? As audience host you will be the first person the audience meets at the cinema. You know the program by heart and can answer questions and guide the audience through their digital purchases if they need help. You need to feel comfortable using a tablet, be very social and speak both Swedish and English (more languages are a bonus!). You will be in close contact with the support.

Industry centre
Are you social and like to be of service? At industry centre you are part of a team that helps with accreditations, answering questions and making sure that the festival’s invited guests and journalists are having a good time. We are looking for you who are structured, are able to see what needs to be done and can handle a job that has an alternating high and low tempo. You need to be able to communicate in English and and it’s also an advantage if you speak more languages.

Event host / Nordic Film Market / TV-drama vision
Do you like variation, decorating and preparing, welcoming guests and audience, give service and make people enjoy themselves? Or are you interested in the film industry and what’s happening right now? Then this is the right place for you. You will help establishing/implement/de-establishing our arenas, parties, industry events and seminars. This is very varying and fun, you might for example get tasks like simple decorations, serving or standing in the wardrobe. There will be many lifts and stairs.

Runner / establishing
Do you like physical work and maybe also driving in the city? As a runner you get to see all the different areas and venues of the festival, decorating and preparing stages and arenas before events and parties, drive stuff to different places, and meet a lot of different members of staff. You are a problem solver. A lot of physical work. As a runner you need to have a driver license B and you might get to drive a larger caddy.

Photo volunteer
Do you have your own camera and are passionate about photography? As a festival photographer you get to participate in documenting the latest seminars, events, directors and movies during the festival. Examples from portfolio need to be sent to volontar@goteborgfilmfestival.se no later than December 20th.

Guest host
Guest hosts drive invited guests to and from the airport and between their hotels and appearances during the festival. As guest host you are the first person that our invited guests meet. Because of that you need to have social competence and be able to feel if the person you’re driving wants to chat or simply wants a quiet moment in the car. You also need to be a competent driver who is comfortable with driving in central Göteborg. As a guest host you receive a small compensation for your work.

On-call volunteer
Do you like variation and flexibility? On-call volunteers are the ones who jump in on a short notice when other volunteers get sick. To be an on-call volunteer means that you tell us which dates you are available to be scheduled during the period 27/1-5/2. You will then get a schedule with five whole days, but only get called in when you’re needed. You need to be available the whole day, these five days, which means that you need to have your phone on you and be ready to get in and work on a short notice. To be on-call volunteer is a flexible and valuable work where you have the possibility to see different areas of the festival.
Arrange your choices (optional):
If you're placed as a cinema or audience host, where do you want to be placed? (optional)
What hours do you prefer to be scheduled?
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Do you also want to help sporadically during the fall/winter before the festivals?
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How did you find out that we're looking for volunteers?
Please send a profile photo to complete your application to volontar@goteborgfilmfestival.se
Choose a picture of only you, where your face it clearly visible.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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