Giving Sat Nam: Statement of Need
This statement of need will be posted on Facebook with your name, unless you indicate this is as an anonymous ASK.  As donations come in, we will fulfill qualifying requests in the order that they are received via Paypal Transfers.  Thank you for being a part of our community.  We hope we can all come together as a community of service in this time.
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Please confirm that you have joined our Facebook group "Giving Sat Nam" when you make this request.   *
Do you want us to keep your identity private? *
Full Name *
Your City, State/Province, Country *
Your Story (to be shared in the Facebook Group) *
Your cash ask with amount, what it will be used for, and a brief summary of why you need the support.  If you are asking for groceries specifically, please do not fill out this form...please post your Amazon Wishlist or WalMart Wishlist to our Facebook group. *
Follow up
We will reach out to you if we need more information in fulfilling your request through the email address you have used to fill out this form.
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