Foster Application

A foster family provides a temporary home for an animal in need until a permanent home can be found.

However, to many animals, a foster home is much more than just a temporary place to live. Most of our animals come directly from shelters. A lot of them have been abused or neglected. They are stressed and scared. Many are untrained and some may also be sick. A foster family may be their first loving experience in their life. Many animals learn how to trust and become part of a family through their foster families.

Some foster families get so much first-hand experience with the animal, they can also help us determine which permanent home would be best suited for each animal.

Foster familes are essential to our mission of saving lives. They are greatly appreciated by not only us but every animal in their care. Every home willing to foster, means another animal can be rescued.

If you would like to take part in this rewarding experience, please fill out a Foster Application below.
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Email *
Foster Parent’s Name *
Address *
Phone number
Where do you live?
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Do you...
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If renting, does your lease allow pets?
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May we contact your landlord?
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Landlords contact information:
Do you have a fenced yard?
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If yes, what type of fence?
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How tall is your fence?
The animal will live primarily
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Where will the animal sleep?
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How many hours would the animal be left alone (without human supervision) during the day?
Where will the animal be left when alone?
Do you have any other pets?
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If no, have you had pets before? 
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If yes, what breed, sex, age and are they spayed or neutered?
Do your pets get along with cats?
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Do your pets get along with dogs?
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Do you have children?
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If yes, how old are they?
Are you willing to drive your foster animal to adoption shows on the weekend?
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Are you willing to train basic obedience and house training?
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What type of animal do you prefer?
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Do you have a gender preference?
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Do you have an age preference?
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Do you have a size preference?
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Is there anything else you would like to share with us? 
I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information provided in this application is true and complete. I recognize that any misrepresentation of that information will reslult in my losing the privilege of fostering a rescued animal from Domino Effect Animal Rescue *
*completion of foster agreement does not guarantee placement of animal
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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