Bring a Friend Week
Now is your chance!  Trying new things can make you nervous, but when you have your friend by your side, it is much easier and more fun!  Do you have a friend, sibling, cousin, neighbor that would like to try an Irish dance class for FREE?   Now is your chance!  Have their parent/guardian (or themselves if they are an adult) fill this out and get their free class scheduled.   If you are an adult - fill out the Parent/Guardian and dancer's name info with your own info.
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Which Studio Location Will You Attend
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Parent/Guardian Name *
Parent/Guardian Email *
Parent/Guardian Phone  Number *
Dancer's Name *
Dancer's Age *
Do you have more than 1 dancer?  List their names and ages below
Your Friends Name?  If you don't personally know someone in our dance school, but would still like to come to this event, that is ok, just skip this part.  We will contact to to schedule the class that would work best for you.                                                                                If you DO have a friend, make sure you put their name down because they go into a raffle for some cool prizes!
Which day would you like to come?
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