Odyssey of the Mind 2024-2025 Registration
Please Submit Form by Friday, September 20th. Please note that the registration is per student, so if you have more than one Odyssey student in your household, you will need to complete a form for each student interested in participating. 

Please also note that submitting this form DOES NOT guarantee a position on an OOTM team. Teams are only able to be formed if parents/guardians are willing to coach. If we do not have enough coaches we simply cannot form a team. I understand coaching is a commitment (I have coached both my kids' teams for the past four years) and I am happy to offer support to any new or seasoned coaches.
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Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Grade *
Teacher *
Parent/Guardian 1 First and Last Name *
Parent/Guardian 1 Email: *
Teams must have Coaches, Volunteers, and Judges!
Coaching is highly rewarding! It involves 3 to 5 hours a week from November to March and is more fun with a Co-coach or Volunteers. Teams meet when and where you and your team members decide (typically once a week in a home). There are lots of coaching information and training available at www.novasouth.org.  Each team must also provide both a Judge (who will NOT be able to see the team they represent on tournament day); and a 2-hour Volunteer (who will be able to watch see the team present) on tournament day.  Friend, neighbors, and office co-works make great judges. Teachers are eligible for CEUs for coaching or judging. Coaches / Volunteers / Judges please note your name below, and times available. THANK YOU!
Parent/Guardian 1, I am willing to...
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Parent/Guardian 2 First and Last Name
Parent/Guardian 2 Email:
Parent, Guardian 2, I am willing to...
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As a parent/guardian, I am ready to work with the coach and other parents/guardians on my student's team to figure out how to make our team meetings work. *
As a parent/guardian, I understand that there is risk involved in any student activity.   *
Any other comments or Questions?
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