Weslaco ISD Anonymous Tip Hotline

Weslaco Independent School District has a responsibility to conduct its affairs ethically and in compliance with the law, and we are very proud of our employees and the high quality services we provide to the community. In order to ensure that we maintain and improve on the quality and integrity of our services, it is important that we provide employees and the public with various methods to express concerns. Weslaco Independent School District created the Anonymous Tip Hotline to provide the public and employees with an opportunity to express concerns such as:

  • Theft of District Resources (e.g. cash, equipment, supplies or materials)
  • Falsification of Financial Records to cover up Theft or Embezzlement
  • Misuse of District Equipment or Property
  • Misuse or Waste of District Resources, including government funds
  • Improper activities by District Officials, Employees or Contractors
  • Ethics and Compliance Violations
  • Soliciting or accepting a Bribe or Kickback
  • Conflicts of Interest
  • Other
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Select the location of the incident/concern
Enter the location/department if you selected "Other"
Provide detail and description of incident/event.
Information may be submitted anonymously; however, sometimes additional information is needed to complete an investigation. If you wish to provide your name, email address, or phone number, you may do so in the space provided below. Again, offering this information is strictly voluntary. If you decide to provide us your contact information, you automatically authorize Weslaco ISD to contact you for further information or details if needed. Consequently, by providing your contact information below, you acknowledge that the information is no longer anonymous.
Name (optional)
Email Address (optional)
Phone  (optional)
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