Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Rangia College conducted the feedback system to enhance the quality of the teaching learning process of the college. This year due to COVID 19, IQAC decided to conduct  the feedback online for all. All are requested to participate in the process.
Name *
Email *
Phone number *
Department *
1. What was the most challenging aspect of online learning? *
2. What do you prefer, virtual learning or physically attending class? *
3.How satisfied are you with the current learning model? *
4.How confident are you that you can provide effective instruction in the current learning model? *
5. In the past year, how many of your students regularly participated in your virtual classes? *
6.Compared to past years, how much easier is it to form relationships with your students right now? *
7.How often do you hear from your students individually? *
8.How concerned are you about students’ academic growth right now? *
9. How concerned are you about students’ social-emotional well-being right now? *
10. How difficult or easy has it been for you to implement the COVID-related safety measures and protocols in your college? *
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