Virtual U-M MSE PhD Application Workshop Response Form
You are invited to join U-M Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) for a virtual PhD application workshop on Thursday November 14, 2024 at 2.30pm - 5:30pm EST. The workshop will include a program overview, student panel, and breakout session for one-on-one peer mentoring. Attendees can ask questions and will learn about research at U-M MSE and the application process.
Workshop information will be emailed to registered students closer to the event date.
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Email *
Your email address *
Your first name *
Your last name *
Undergrad Institution *
Are you planning to apply for the U-M MSE PhD program admission in Fall 2025? *
Will you attend the virtual U-M MSE PhD Application Workshop on November 14th, starting at 2.30pm, Eastern time? *
Did you apply for U-M CoE EMERGE in 2024? *
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