Aegean Startups platform evaluation
Thank you for visiting the Aegean Startups website. We would appreciate your contribution to the individual improvement of the platform by providing your opinion on it. Please focus on the functions and not on the organization or terms of use of the digital accelerator. Finally, if you wish to help us further, you can state your email address so that we can send you additional instructions.
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Does the design of the Aegean Startups platform meet your expectations (usability, elegance, content organization, etc.)? *
Not at all
Does the functionality of the Aegean Startups platform meet your expectations (efficiency, effectiveness, response speed, etc.)? *
Not at all
Focusing on the new business idea submission page, how much do you think this page meets the needs of the accelerator? *
Not at all
Focusing on the Aegean New Business Needs Submission Page, to what extent do you consider this page to meet the needs of the accelerator? *
Not at all
Do you have any comments about the platform? Do you have any new ideas that could be added? Please expand in the text box below.
If you are interested in assisting us further improve the platform, you can fill out your email address. We will let you know how you can help us.
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