Masako Ichihara is a researcher who obtained her Ph.D. in Global Environmental Studies at the Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University in September 2021. She is currently assigned to the Kyoto Climate Change Adaptation Center established in July 2021 at the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN), Kyoto. Originally, she majored in law, and obtained her Juris Doctor in March 2009 at the University of Tokyo. Currently, she is a member of Peer Review Network of Climate Litigation at Sabin Center for Climate Change Law, as well as a National Rapporteur of Japan at the Global Perspective of Corporative Climate Legal Tactics, initiated by the at British Institute for International Comparative Law.
She also contributes to local communities and municipalities as a committee member of Kyoto City Environmental Council (2018-2020), and Kyoto Prefecture Environmental Council (2020-2023).
東京大学大学院法学政治学研究科法曹養成専攻修了(法務博士・専門職)、京都大学大学院地球環境学堂修了(博士・地球環境学)。2021年10月より2023年3月末まで総合地球環境学研究所にて、同年7月に所内に設置された京都気候変動適応センターにて研究員として勤務。2023年4月より日本学術振興会特別研究員として、継続して同センターにて勤務。現在、コロンビア大学Sabin Center for Climate Change Lawにて気候変動訴訟のピアレビューネットワークのメンバーであるほか、イギリスのBritish Institute for International Comparative Law が進めるthe Global Perspective of Corporative Climate Legal Tacticsに日本の報告者として参画。ほか、京都市環境審議会委員、京都府環境審議会委員等を歴任。
著作に、「国が国民を気候変動の脅威から保護するための適切な措置を講じる法的義務の肯否-Urgenda Foundation v. State of the Netherlands最高裁判決評釈-」(環境法政策学会誌24号19-22頁、2022年)、「オランダの気候変動訴訟-Millieudefensie
et al. v. Royal Dutch Shell plc. 事件を中心に」(法学館憲法研究所Law Journal 28巻42-66頁、2023年)、 "Toward a transformative climate change adaptation from local to global perspective"(Frontiers in Climate Brief Research Report article. Sec. Climate Adaptation, Volume 5 – 2023、共著、近刊)等。詳細は左記ウェブサイト参照 (。
Dai YAMAZAKI, Ph.D / 山崎 大
Associate Professor
Global Hydrodynamics Lab, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo
yamadai [at]
Dai Yamazaki is Associate Professor at Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo. He has been working on the development of a global-scale river hydrodynamics model, focusing on how to simultaneously represent the continental-scale water balance and local-scale flood dynamics. The “CaMa-Flood” global river model developed by Dr. Yamazaki and his colleagues is now widely used for earth system modelling and global flood risk studies by many research teams in the world. He also made significant contributions to the development of high-quality global hydro-topography maps which are used as baseline data for earth science, such as flood simulations, land hydrology modelling, and biogeochemistry. He is also working many other topics such as remote sensing of surface waters, Earth system model development, climate risk information. His academic contribution was honored with multiple awards, including “JSPS Ikushi Prize” (2012) and “The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Japan Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology” (2019, 2021), and AOGS Kamide Lecture Award (2020).
広域河川洪水モデルCaMa-Floodや世界最高精度の地形データMERIT DEM/Hydroの開発者であり、気候変動予測や洪水リスク評価で世界をリードする研究を実施している。東京大学社会基盤学専攻を修了後、ブリストル大学地理科学専攻、海洋研究開発気候を経て現職。日本学術振興会 育志賞(2012年)、科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰 若手科学者賞(2019年)、井上学術振興財団 井上リサーチアウォード(2020年)など、受賞多数。
Date / 日時
Thursday, February 8, 17:00-18:30 / 2月08日(月)17:00-18:30
Location / 場所
Komaba II Research Campus, Institute of Industrial Science, Building C, 2nd floor, room C-Lounge (map)
東京大学駒場II研究キャンパス生産技術研究所C棟2階Cラウンジ (map)
Language / 言語
Talks: English / 講演:英語
Questions and discussion: Both Japanese and English / 質問と議論:日本語、英語