May 2017 Reader Survey
Thank you so much for taking the time to fill out my reader survey!! Surveys like these (which I usually do a couple times a year) help me guide the direction and focus of this blog. Please keep in mind that Just Bee is a lifestyle blog and therefore features posts on a variety of topics! Also please remember that Just Bee functions as a side income for me, so sponsored posts will continue to be a part of this blog. I look forward to reading all of your comments and suggestions!

Finally, at the end of this survey, you will have a chance to enter to win a $10 Starbucks gift card! Don't miss out! :)
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How long have you been reading Just Bee? *
Are you a blogger yourself? *
How old are you? *
Life Stage: Please select all that apply to you! *
What are your favorite topics to read about on Just Bee? (Check all the ones you enjoy!) *
What topics would you like to see MORE of on Just Bee? (For example: more product reviews, pregnancy/motherhood, faith, marriage posts, blogging tips, photography....) *
On which platforms do you follow Just Bee? *
Finish this sentence: I'd LOVE to see a future e-book, e-course, product, or even podcast on the topic of... *
Any other feedback or comments for me? What do you love about Just Bee? How can I improve the blog to better encourage/help you?
Optional: to be entered for your chance to win a $10 Starbucks gift card, please provide your email address below! (Winner will be contacted via email.) Good luck!!
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