Warriors United: Hurricane Helene Help
North Atlanta Families
Let's come together to support families impacted by Hurricane Helene.  
PTSA would like to rally together whatever support we can from food, support, clothing, volunteers

Respond here:  https://bit.ly/3BiK7QK

If you have any questions or suggestions for PTSA, feel free to contact nahsptsa@gmail.com 

APS Cares Resources: http://apscares.findhelp.com
United Way:   https://www.atl311.com/311
9th & 11th Grades: Ms. Jamisha Turner (jamisha.turner1@apsk12.org, 404-802-4777)
10th & 12th Grades: Ms. Kadijah Felder-Patterson (kadijah.felderpat@apsk12.org, 404-802-4745)
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Please indicate why you are completing this form (check all that apply):
If you know of a family impacted by the hurricane, please provide:
*Their neighborhood and/or address
*Parent Name
*Parent email and/or phone number
*Any specific needs
If you would like to volunteer your time and resources:
*Describe what you can offer/provide
*Provide your full name
*Provide your phone number & email
Do you have any other comments or suggestions?
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