From Weakness to Strength
Rate your current skills in each of the areas below. This form is also completely anonymous. The Email address is collected only to allow you to get a copy of your responses.

For additional help on leveling up your skills in each area, go to 
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Position / Level
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Teaching Experience
A Note and Clarification about this questionnaire...
These categories are not an exhaustive list of our duties as directors and they are not meant to be.
I am sure many of you could name additional jobs to fit into these categories and some of them may indeed need to be split up into several parts. 

You are welcome to add comments about each category, both to help you better judge your strengths and weaknesses and to share with the community your thoughts about each subject. 
Please keep in mind that these comments will be available to anyone who completes the form so keep them polite and on-subject.

Thanks for your time in completing this form! I hope it helps us all become better directors!
Rate Your Skills in each area from 1-10 as follows:
  1 to 3 = Least Confident; highest stress.
  4 to 7 = Comfortable but still struggle at times.
  8 to 10 = Very Confident; could teach this to other directors
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