Questionnaire after mobility for students
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1. “I am from…….” *
2. Did you find this project interesting? *
very negative
very positive
3. How involved do you feel in this project? *
very negative
very positive
4. Are you motivated to further participation in this project? *
very negative
very positive
5. Do you feel integrated with the other students? *
very negative
very positive
6. How much did the project activities help you in team working? *
very little
very much
7. Did the mobility fulfilled your expectations of the program? *
very little
very much
8. How difficult was it for you to meet the expectations of the program? *
very negative
very positive
9. How prepared do you believe you were for team activities? *
very little
very much
10. What was the level of cooperation/communication between the members of your team? *
very negative
very positive
11. What was the level of cooperation/communication between the partner schools? *
very negative
very positive
12. How available were your teachers during your stay in the host country? *
very little
very much
13. How much have your language skills improved? *
very little
very much
14. How much have your ICT skills improved? *
very little
very much
15. How much did the project activities help you in team work? *
very little
very much
16. How much do you believe this program has helped you improve communications skills? *
very little
very much
17. After the end of the project will you continue to be in touch with your European friends? *
18. Would you suggest your Erasmus+ experience to your school-mate? *
19. What was the best moment of the project in your experience? *
20. Describe the project in a word/adjective *
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