Faculty Not Picking Up ASE Labor: Tallying the Missing Grades 

Academic Student Employees represented by UAW 2865 and workers from three other bargaining units remain on strike for a liveable wage. This strike is part of a wave of protests convulsing campuses across the country that highlight the structural contradictions of a higher education system that has become reliant upon cheap labor and intolerable working conditions, where everyone is asked to do more for less. That system is broken, and the University of California should help fix it.

For these reasons, CUCFA strongly encourages Senate faculty to exercise their HEERA-protected right to refuse to pick up struck labor. For those Senate faculty currently teaching courses normally supported by ASEs, not picking up struck work includes not submitting final grades. Submitting these grades would significantly undermine the strike and falsely suggest to both students and the administration that faculty can continue to do our jobs without the labor of striking workers. For further information, see CUCFA’s grading FAQ and additional communication on struck work. Unit 18 faculty should look to UC-AFT for guidance.

This form aims to pressure the UC administration to bargain in good faith with the UAW by highlighting the material impact of the missing ASE labor and Senate faculty's refusal to mitigate that impact by taking on additional work. All names and identifying information will be kept private and will be used only by CUCFA to stay in touch. We will, however, be sharing running totals of Senate faculty refusing to pick up the struck work of grading and the number of expected missing grades (currently over 40,000) via twitter. We encourage you to amplify the message by sharing both this form and these numbers with your own networks.

If you are withholding your own grading labor, fill out this form by skipping the first question, answering "0" to the second question, and then answering the rest of the questions.

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Will you refuse to pick up the work of striking ASEs and therefore be unable to submit final grades for courses in which ASEs normally do the grading?
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How many courses are you teaching where ASEs normally do the grading?
How many final grades will you NOT submit until after the strike has ended? 

Please provide a number based on course enrollments so that we can create a count of the expected missing grades.
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