By signing, I hold Sapient Concepts LLC and Unchained STL Escape Rooms harmless against all damage due to player recklessness or acts of God.

I will not share pertinent information on playing/solving the game.

If I allow myself to be photographed, I allow my photo to be used at will by Sapient Concepts LLC and Unchained STL Escape Rooms.

I understand if I break property during my stay, the credit card on file will be charged for the damage done.

I understand that each escape room time slot has a total number of available spots to be booked. If I do not book all spots, the remaining ones may be filled by others.

I will follow all rules and have a good time during my stay.

I understand that if I have any grievances I want to discuss, the owner would like to hear my opinion immediately and the phone number of the owner is 636-317-1155.
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