CWRU Music: Student Inquiry Form

Thank you for your interest in exploring musical opportunities at Case Western Reserve University!

By completing this form, you'll be added to our student mailing list. Get information about auditions, schedule an open house day, or connect with faculty and student representatives. 

We’re here to help!  If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Please share your pronouns here if you would like.
Region *
Mobile Phone *
Text Messaging *
I agree to receive text messages from CWRU.
Primary Instrument/Voice *
Secondary Instrument/Voice
Current High School
Students interested in our undergraduate programs.
Degree(s) Earned
Students interested in our graduate programs.
Entry Term *
Select the semester you would start taking classes at CWRU.
Musical Background and Academic Interests *
Describe your musical background, academic interests, and professional goals:
  • What college resources and opportunities are most important to you?
  • What people and factors have influenced your decision to pursue a degree in music or music education?
Other details you may choose to include: 
  • years of private study
  • ensemble participation
  • music honors and awards
  • teaching experience (Music Education)
I would like to learn more about *
Check all that apply. 
General Questions/Comments
Admission Status *
Music Program Status *
How did you hear about us? *
Mark all that apply.
Music Overview Date
If you attended a Music Overview (offered during Open House Days) indicate the date below.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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