Eco-Meet Evaluation
Thank you for participating in Eco-Meet this year! Please answer a few questions regarding this event. We encourage you to discuss the event with your students for us to receive their perspective as well. We want participation to grow and really enhance the day! We appreciate your feedback to improve Eco-Meet for 4th, 5th, and 6th graders.
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Do you feel the study guide content was thorough and age-appropriate?
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Do you (as a coach) need more support/resources to assist in the studying process for Eco-Meet? If yes, please give us suggestions on what you feel you would make the process better.
Please rate the following on difficulty level. *
1 - Too Easy
2 - Easy
3 - Perfect level of difficulty
4 - Hard
5 - Too Hard
Bear Study Guide
Bear Test
Natural Disasters Study Guide
Natural Disasters Test
Raptors Study Guide
Raptors Test
What aspects of eco-meet do you (and your students) enjoy most?
Lunch was new to 2023! Did you like lunch being provided?
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What aspects of eco-meet need improvement?
Please list any future topic ideas here.
Anything else you would like us to know?
We appreciate your team's participation in this event, and we hope to see you next year!
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