SDA Kinship Feedback
I would love to hear your thoughts on how we can do a better job of achieving our vision for Kinship. This includes creating a safe community for current and former LGBTQIA Adventists, their families and affirming allies. We want to make Kinship a household name for Adventists. Whether they agree with us or not, we want them to know we exist. Would you be willing to share your thought and suggestions on how to achieve these goals?
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What parts of Kinship's programming and projects do you appreciate the most and which do you think are unnecessary? What is missing that would enhance your Kinship experience? Explain please. *
How can we make Kinship more well known... in every Adventist household? The more Adventists who know about us, the more likely when someone needs us they can reach out to us. Share your ideas below.  *
Churches: We want to create a listing of safe SDA churches for members who want to find a church where they can experience safety. Do you attend or know of a safe church that should be added to the listing? Give some details and website URL for this church. If you know the pastor's name and contact info, please include it.  *
Thanks for taking time to answer these important questions. I look forward to connecting with you more in the future. If there is anything else you want to share with me (Floyd) or with the Kinship board, please include it below. We are looking for more members to be an active part of the leadership. If you are interested, share your interest below.  *
If you would like to remain anonymous, this is the end of the survey. If you'd like me to be able to associate your answers with your name, please include it below. 
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