Student Feedback for President Tetlow
This is a place where you can submit ideas on how to improve our campus community and your overall experience at Fordham. Your input will help me celebrate and build on Fordham's strengths and figure out how to consistently make it better. 

You don't have to identify yourself, but it would help us to know your name and contact info so we can potentially circle back to you and address your ideas. 

If you have a specific report to make that requires immediate individual follow-up, please reach out to the appropriate administrative office

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School  *
Anticipated Graduation Year *
Major *
What do I need to know? 
Do you have any ideas about how to make Fordham better?
Have you previously discussed your ideas with campus administrators? If so, who and when? What was the outcome?
It helps me to understand our strengths. What person or program at Fordham is amazing that I should be aware of? 
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