Carnival at MoMath with a Hungarian Twist
Thank you for attending our Carnival event on Saturday, February 10th. We would greatly appreciate it if you could take a moment to fill out this short survey to help us improve our future events. Also, don't forget to check out a short video highlighting the festivities and sign up for our newsletter and stay in the loop!
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How would you rate your overall experience at the event?
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I loved it
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Did the event meet your expectations? Why or why not?
What was your favorite part of the event?
Were the event activities engaging and enjoyable?
How would you rate the organization and flow of the event?
I didn't like it
I loved it
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Were the event staff helpful and accommodating?
Not at all
Very much
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What suggestions do you have for improving future events?
Would you recommend similar events to your friends and family?
How likely are you to attend future events hosted by Tulipan Foundation?
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Very likely
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