Join 'Open Up The Cloud' Community !
Hey friend, and welcome to Open Up The Cloud!  

What is this community? This is a place for you to get advice, brainstorm with others to get your start in cloud and grow your career in cloud. This community is not primarily tech focussed. There are many other great communities for tech. We will talk tech. However, this community is actually mainly about building your career in cloud. Getting direction, building focus and discipline, and achieving whatever the goals you set yourself in tech, cloud and life. We’re here to support you in building an amazing life for yourself, your families and those around you.To learn more about Open Up The Cloud—read the mission here. 

Before you join the community, we need you to answer four questions: 

1. What role are you looking for in cloud? 
2. Why do you think you can be successful at this role?
3. What top 5 skills are you going to learn? 
4. What are you NOT going to learn. 

(this could take as little as 2 mins to fill out)

Why do we ask you to answer these? Because, it's vital those in our community are self-sufficient. We're here to help each other, and be supportive, but we're not here to answer questions that could be easily Google'd. That only wastes time and energy which we could use supporting each other in more productive ways. We are supportive and will answer "silly questions" but we must be respectful of each others time. 

Don't overthink the answers. This is not a test. 

If your answers show that you haven't thought at all about what your career goal is in cloud, you probably haven't built the level of self-sufficiency to be successful in the community... yet. We suggest to take a couple of days to do some research on cloud careers, then come back, fill in the form, and join us! We're a friendly bunch, but we're also serious about achieving our goals, so we hope you are too! See you on the inside!

See this YouTube video for an overview of these four questions, and this PDF for more information. If in doubt, please do read the PDF, it has a lot more information and prompts to help you filling out the answers to these questions.

This is not a test. Nor gatekeeping. If it's clear that you've not done 1 or 2 google searches to understand what role you want in cloud, etc, we'll gently ask you to take a couple more days to build some more clarity first, before you re-submit to join the community. 

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What role do you want in cloud?

* If you're already in tech, what is your next goal or role.
Why do you think you can be successful at this role?
Help for the above question!

Lots of people struggle with this question. But it's very important to answer. 

What about your past experiences, situation, or information you've seen makes you believe that you can be successful in your chosen cloud role? Don't overthink it. This can be a "best guess". A weak answer might look like: "I want to earn lots of money", or "I don't want to code". Whereas, a strong answer might look like: "based on research into [blank] jobs in my [blank] area. Also, given my [blank] years of experience working as [blank] should have some skills carry over. Therefore, I believe I can be successful at [role] for [blank]  reasons"
What five skills are you focused on learning?  *
What skills are you not going to learn? *
What is your email? *

When you've filled out the above, we'll add your email to the community, come, introduce yourself and start to hang out with our community members! ... We look forward to sharing your “I got the job!” post!
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