Fur meets at gga discord mod application.
Looking for dedicated admins willing to help this meet out continue to be welcoming to all those in the furry fandom and outside the fandom. Bipoc safe haven, open to working with other meets, coming up with new ideas etc. ALL APPLICANTS MUST BE 18+! 
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Applicants discord handle  *
When issues have arised. How would you handle the situation? Name an example where you've had to take action. *
We are a bipoc friendly, lgbtq friendly, neurodivergency friendly and welcome those that are not in the furry fandom. Do you think you can help us and agree with how we roll? Without a team we cannot move forward and need those willing to help.  *
How much admin experience do you have?
Tell us why you want to be apart of the discord team?
Do you have any special skills that would possibly help our group? Whether it be good in graphics, drawing and what not to draw more attention? Or experience in marketing?
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