Rockaway Mutual Aid & Support Form
Thank you for joining the Rockaway Mutual Aid & Support Network! By filling out this form, you are indicating any supports/offerings that you can make to our neighbors and how we can best contact you. PLEASE NOTE: Our phone dispatchers/ core volunteers will be able to see all the information you choose to fill out on this form, and might reach out to you directly for support. Any texts or calls from us will come only from this phone number (732)-654- 2505.
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Phone number *
Full Name *
Where in Rockaway do you live? (optional)
What services and support can you offer locally? (Select all that apply) *
If you have any other skills or resources that you think might be helpful in this current moment, please share!
Do you speak a language fluently other than English? If yes, identify the language(s) here:
Do you have the capacity to help organize this network? We have several different kinds of roles to fill *
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