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Building Trust at Work
: February 14th, RSVP
Event Address: Link for Zoom will be provided after registration
To complete registration for this event please pay:
- If you are a participant located in the US: $36.00 to be paid via PayPal (
- If you are a participant located in Israel: 120nis to be paid via BIT to Dasee Berkowitz (054-991-9733)
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What is your name?
Your answer
Where do you work?
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What is your position?
Your answer
Can you attend?
No, but will pass along to a colleague
Email Address (for us to send the zoom link)
Your answer
What is a question you have about building trust that you would like this workshop to address?
Your answer
Anything else?
Your answer
Thank you for taking the time to complete this quick survey. See you on February 14th!
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