Feedback from Students about College
Dear Students,

This form has been designed to seek feedback from you to strengthen the quality of teaching-learning environment, to provide best possible facilities and modern infrastructure. The information provided by you will be kept confidential.
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Email *
Your Feedback
For each item please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements by selecting appropriate option.
1. The office staff in the college is cooperative and helpful: *
2. The library staff is cooperative and helpful: *
3. Online educational resources are available and accessible in the library: *
4. Internet facility provided in the Library is satisfactory: *
5. The prescribed books / reading materials are available in the library: *
6. Equipment in the lab(s) is in good working condition: *
7. Results are displayed by the college: *
8. Separate common rooms for girls and boys are available: *
9. Toilets / washrooms are clean and properly maintained: *
10. The classrooms are clean and well maintained: *
11. The campus is green and eco-friendly: *
12. Clean drinking water is available in the college campus: *
13. The buildings / classrooms are accessible to disabled persons: *
14. The campus has adequate power supply: *
15. Our grievances are redressed / problems are solved well in time: *
16. The functioning of the placement cell in the college is satisfactory: *
Personal Information
This information will be kept confidential.
Your Name *
Course *
Academic Year *
Suggestions if any
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