BODW City Programme Questionnaire |「設計營商周城區活動」問卷
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Partner 合作伙伴:MAKE Studios
What is your overall comment of the activity/ programme? 你對是項活動/計劃的整體評價是: *
Please comment on the following aspects of the activity/ programme: 請就下列各項提供意見: *
Excellent 優良
Very Satisfactory 非常滿意
Satisfactory 滿意
Unsatisfactory 不滿意
Very Unsatisfactory 非常不滿意
Duration 時間
Format 形式
Content 內容
Publicity 宣傳
Please comment on the following aspects of the activity/ programme: 請就下列各項提供意見:
Excellent 優良
Very Satisfactory 非常滿意
Satisfactory 滿意
Unsatisfactory 不滿意
Very Unsatisfactory 非常不滿意
Participation fee (if applicable) 參加費用 (如適用)
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How useful is the activity/ programme in assisting you to achieve the following objectives:  是項活動/計劃能否幫助你達到以下的目標:
Definitely useful 肯定有用
Very useful 很有用
Useful 有用
Fair 一般
Not useful 沒有用
Enhance your knowledge in the business (if applicable) 加強對行業的知識 (如適用)
Expand your contact network (if applicable) 拓展聯繫網絡 (如適用)
Explore new business opportunities (if applicable) 開拓新商機 (如適用)
Better understand the industry’s position in the global markets (if applicable) 加深了解行業在環球市場上的位置 (如適用)
Broaden your scope about the industry (if applicable) 擴闊你對行業的視野 (如適用)
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Please comment on the overall usefulness of this activity/ programme to you: 整體來說,是項活動/計劃對你是否有用: *
Would you recommend your colleagues/ friends to join the activity/ programme? 你會推介同事/朋友參加這活動/計劃嗎? *
Please state below any comments you may have on the activity/ programme. We also welcome any suggestions on improvement to the activity/ programme. 請列出你對是項活動/計劃的任何意見。我們亦歡迎任何改善是項活動/計劃的建議。
Which of the following sector(s) you/ your comapny or organisation belong to?  (Please check all that apply) 你或你服務的公司/機構屬於以下哪個界別? (可選多項) *
If you choose Student in the above question, please specify the discipline: 如閣下於上題中選取學生,請註明學科:
Where is your place of residence? 何處是你的居留地/居住地: *
If you choose Mainland China/ Overseas in the above question, please specify the province (for Mainland China) or country/ territory (for Overseas): 如閣下於上題中選取中國內地/海外國家,請註明中國省份/國家名稱或地域:
I learnt this activity/ programme through the following channels: 我從以下途徑得知此活動/計劃: *
I wish to receive upcoming promotional materials of Hong Kong Design Centre and/or BODW CityProg activities. 本人欲收取由香港設計中心及/或有關「設計營商周城區活動」發出之推廣資料。
First Name 名
Last Name 姓
Email 電郵
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