Wondercab Application - Summer 2025 Residency
Submit your game for consideration for the Wondercab arcade cabinet! This is for the 3 month Wondercab residency that will begin on June 1st.

Submissions will close on April 30st at 11:59PM EST.

Keep in mind this is an arcade cabinet, so we're looking for games that are short, easy to pick up, replayable, and not dependent upon audio since it can sometimes be loud in the bar. We will also prioritize multiplayer games, since we have a 4-player cabinet....but we won't rule out 1P-3P games if we like them!

Preference will be given to games made in NYC, but we welcome submissions from anywhere.

See a list of all previous residencies here:

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Email *
Note about Pico-8 Games

We have a dedicated Pico-8 cabinet and we encourage you to submit Pico-8 games there.

We do accept Pico-8 games for Wondercab submissions, but be aware that we tend to select larger, stand-alone games for this cabinet.
Wondercab showing Star Crossed
What is your name/studio name? *
Social Media Handle(s) 
This will help us promote the game if it is selected!
Any other social media links you'd like us to have
This helps up promote the game!
Game Title *
How Many Players? *
Link to Playable Demo *
If you are providing codes, please provide at least 4 so all members of our team can try the game.
Short Description of Your Game *
This should be a brief, public-facing description that we may use when promoting your game if it is selected. A few sentences max.
Where is the development team located?
We accept games from anywhere in the world, but priority is given to local developers
Any other info you'd like to provide us about the game?
This is private and will only be seen by our curation committee. It's fine to leave this blank.
The Wondercab is built with digital joysticks that support 8-way movement, and can support up to 3 buttons per player. If your game uses analog controls or any gamepad input, you must first map them to key presses.

We use an interface called an I-PAC, which maps all the buttons and joysticks to keyboard keys. Ideally, your game could be played entirely using a keyboard and we can translate those controls to the arcade. More information here:

It is okay if your demo game uses gamepads. Just be aware that if selected you will need to provide us with a keyboard-only version. They new key mapping does not need to be comfortable for a human to use! The I-PAC will take care of that.


If you have a dual-analog stick game, it's very difficult to make an arcade version.
If you are selected, we will print a marquee for your game that will be backlit and live on the Wondercab for the duration of the residency. This graphic should be 6" x 22" - acceptable formats are .ai .psd or .pdf

We order from Game on Grafix. More information here:
If selected, I will need to provide a marquee graphic and keyboard-only Windows build. *
If your game is not selected, are you interested in getting feedback from our selection committee (this is totally optional!)
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