Air Rarotonga FBO - Aircraft Ground Handling Form
Kia Orana,

Air Rarotonga is dedicated in providing a superior product throughout the Cook Islands. To enquire Ground Handling and/or Terminal Services, please complete the appropriate form below, send us an email or call us directly.

A Ground Handling Service Representative will contact you as soon as possible.

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Your Name *
Please enter your full name
Company Name *
Please enter your Company or Airline Name
Telephone Number
Please enter your land line or mobile telephone number
Aircraft Type *
Please enter the type of the aircraft you wish to have handled
Aircraft Call Sign *
Please enter the call sign of the aircraft you wish to have handled
Arriving at *
NCRG is the designated port of entry, NCAI requires special handling and immigration officials to be flown in
Arriving from (ICAO) *
Please enter the four letter ICAO code of flight origin if know, otherwise please explain possible list of origin airports
Arrival Date
Please enter the arrival date based on GMT if known
Please enter ETA in GMT/HHMM format
Departing to (ICAO) *
Please enter the four letter ICAO code of flight destination if know, otherwise please explain possible list of origin airports
Departure Date
Please enter the arrival date based on GMT if known
Please enter ETD in GMT/HHMM format
Number of crew
Please enter the number of flight deck and cabin crew
Flight Crew 1 Details
Please Enter full name with last name in CAPITAL letters, nationality and passport number and expiry date
Flight Crew 2 Details
Please Enter full name with last name in CAPITAL letters, nationality and passport number and expiry date
Flight Crew 3 Details
Please Enter full name with last name in CAPITAL letters, nationality and passport number and expiry date
All other flight crew details
Please Enter full name with last name in CAPITAL letters, nationality and passport number and expiry date one line for each
Number of passengers
Please enter the number of passengers (excluding flight crew listed above)
Flower Ei Greeting for x number of passengers
Please enter the number of passengers who wish to receive a flower ei (traditional neck garland made of fresh local flowers)
Ground Transport Option
Please indicate whether you need ground transport
Clear selection
Fuel Request (Jet-A1) *
Please indicate if you require refueling
Clear selection
Catering Required
Please use the comment field at the bottom to detail your catering requirements or discuss them with us
Clear selection
Lavatory Service required
Do you require a Lavatory  Service for your Aircraft?
Clear selection
Lavatory Service location
Where on your a/c is the lavatory service required
Clear selection
Water Service
Do you require potable water?
Clear selection
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