Storm Response & Recovery
This form is for those signing up to serve in the response and recovery projects from Hurricane Beryl. Please note, this is an interest form and you will be contacted when there is a specific project that needs assistance. We are working in coordination with other organizations in the community. 
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Email *
Name *
Email *
Address *
Phone number *
Days/Weeks Available - Please include if you only have certain days (like weekends) available as well as any specific dates. *
Can you do "Done in a Day Projects"? With these projects lodging will not be coordinated.  *
Are you chainsaw certified?  *
Please list any tools you have and can bring that may help with the clean up and response 
Are you in good health to perform the physical labor/lifting that may be required? *
Please list any limitations you may have
Please describe any experience you have with disaster response/recovery, construction, etc. and list any special skills you have as it relates to disaster response.  *
Are you an ERT ? *
If you are not an ERT, please provide your pastor's contact information
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