BEX 2024 - Call for Proposals

🎨 We welcome community members of our region in WV to send *Proposals* for Beckley's annual arts celebration, BEX Arts Festival! 🎭

We are thrilled to invite artists, creators, musicians, and art education workshop facilitators to submit their proposals for engaging and enriching art installations, events, music performances, and/or workshops during our upcoming summer arts fest. Let your imagination run wild! This is a fantastic opportunity to showcase your talent and contribute to the vibrant cultural landscape of our rural community.

Please fill out the form below with details about your proposed project, including a brief description, intended audience, logistical requirements, and any supporting materials. We're excited to see innovative ideas that will inspire and captivate our community!

Let's celebrate creativity and our Appalachian culture together! 🌟 BEX Arts Festival will be July 25 - 28 this 2024 year.

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Email *
Name *
Contact Number & Email *
Organization submitting the proposal (if applicable)
Details about proposed project:
Title, concept, idea, brief summary/description
Intended audience for proposed idea: *
Logistical / monetary / space requirements for proposal: *
Any other comments, notes, concerns, etc
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