2024 ISI Student/Scholar Square Dance/Line Dancing Registration
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Email *
First Name *
Given Name
Last Name *
Family Name
Cell Phone *
Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Country *
(Country where you were born)
Gender *
School *
Student/Scholar/Spouse Status *
I need transportation to the Line Dancing End of the Year Picnic *
KUMC Students & Scholars Pickup Place You will Wait at
Do you now receive ISI emails about events and services *
Food preferences *
Liability Release Form
Release of Liability Statement and Hold Harmless Agreement for International Students, Inc. (ISI) *
In appreciation and consideration of ISI affording me the opportunity to participate in the event/activity indicated below I agree that I participate in this event/activity solely at my own risk.  I waive, release and agree to hold harmless ISI, its agents, employees and volunteers from any and all property damage, personal injury or other claims of whatever nature made by myself or others related to my participation in this event/activity.
Media Release Form
May we take pictures taken of you at ISI events for Facebook, Website and other promo materials *
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