2025 Salmonid Restoration Conference Proposal Submission Form
Please complete this form as part of the proposal submission process for the 42nd Annual Salmonid Restoration Federation Conference, taking place April 29 - May 2, 2025 in Santa Cruz, CA.

Proposals for workshop, session, or field tours are due on Monday, August 26, 2024. The First Call for Abstracts will be posted in September 2024.
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Email *
What is your first name? *
What is your last name *
Please list any credentials that you would like listed next to your name in the Conference Proceedings.  No periods, please. Example: PhD, PE, etc. If you don't have any credentials that you would like listed, leave this question blank.
What is your affiliation?  Please write the name of your employer or affiliation exactly as you would want it listed in the  Conference Proceedings.
Phone Number (please include your area code) *
Please select the type of proposal you are submitting. *
Proposal: Please include your proposed title and write a detailed description of your proposed field tour, workshop, or session. *
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