Adoption Application TCCC
In an effort to assure the best possible pet adoption, we ask that you complete this application.

An unwise adoption can result in an unpleasant experience for the pet and adoptive family and can make placing a returned animal into another home more difficult. We reserve the right to refuse any adoption that we feel is not in the best interest of this animal. A refusal does not represent any shortcoming of the applicant, but reflects our assessment that a particular pet would possibly not do well in the circumstances offered. We feel that our years of experience should be our chief guide in arranging a successful adoption. It is our intention to make the best possible placement for this animal. We are committed to treating everyone as an individual and with
respect during this screening process.

Please make sure you and your family are ready for the expense, work, and commitment needed to ensure a successful adoption. While we try to pre-screen medical and temperament issues before placing an animal for adoption, some behaviors or conditions can go undetected . We cannot guarantee health or temperament and cannot be held liable for vetting after adoption has been finalized. Upon adoption we provide a full medical history and records of the cat.

Thank you.
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Name (First and Last) *
Email *
Name of Cat Your Are Applying For *
Have you met the cat you are applying for? *
If yes, please specify the date you met the cat.
Phone Number *
Home Address *
Are you over the age of 18? *
Are you currently employed? *
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