ENTER_8th Webinar Evaluation Form
3rd Webinar: Slicing in 3D Printing. Date 29th of September 2022
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Please rate your satisfaction with the content of the webinar by indicating your level of agreement or disagreement. *
Extremely like
Please rate your satisfaction about the duration and pace of the webinar by indicating your level of agreement or disagreement. *
Extremely like
Please rate your satisfaction about the experience and knowledge of the trainer of the webinar by indicating your level of agreement or disagreement. *
Extremely like
 I would recommend others watch the recorded version of this webinar. *
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
The moderators/trainers/guests responded to questions. *
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
What did you like MOST about the webinar?
What did you like LEAST about the webinar?
Suggest a future method or a way we could improve our webinars.
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