Student Oral Language Observation Matrix - Revised (SOLOM-R)
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12th Grade

INSTRUCTIONS:  Based on your observation of the student’s oral language use, select the level (1-5) for each category that best describes the student’s abilities
Comprehension *
1 - Can understand simple words and phrases when spoken slowly accompanied with visual support or gestures.
2 - Can comprehend simple speech when spoken slowly and with frequent repetitions.
3 - Can understand most of what is said at slower-than-normal speed with repetitions.
4 - Can understand nearly everything at normal speed, although occasional repetition may be necessary.
5 - Can understand even rapid speech similar to other proficient speakers.
Fluency *
1 - Can produce simple words and phrases to convey meaning, but halting, fragmentary speech can make conversation difficult.
2 - Can express self in simple interaction, but usually hesitant and often forced into silence by language limitations.
3 - Can express self, but with frequent pauses to search for the correct manner of expression.
4 - Can express self with general fluency, with occasional pauses to search for the correct manner of expression.
5 - Can express self fluently and effortlessly similar to other proficient speakers.
Vocabulary *
1 - Can use a few words and phrases, but vocabulary knowledge not yet sufficient to express self beyond very basic messages.
2 - Can use small but growing vocabulary, but large gaps in vocabulary knowledge and frequent misuse of words make it quite difficult to express intended meanings.
3 - Can use increasing range of vocabulary, but gaps in vocabulary knowledge and frequent misuse of words make it somewhat difficult to express intended meanings.
4 - Can use extensive vocabulary, but gaps in less familiar domains and occasional misuse of words may require need to rephrase to fully express intended meanings.
5 - Can use extensive vocabulary and idioms similar to other proficient speakers.
Pronunciation *
1 - Can say a few words and phrases, but severe pronunciation challenges make speech very difficult for others to understand.
2 - Can express self, but pronunciation challenges necessitate strong concentration on the part of the listeners and frequently leads to mis- understandings.
3 - Can express self, but pronunciation challenges necessitate some concentration on the part of the listeners and occasionally leads to mis- understandings
4 - Can express self with good pronunciation that seldom leads to mis- understandings, though listeners may detect a non-standard accent and occasional intonation pattern differences.
5 - Can express self with pronunciation and intonation similar to other proficient speakers.
Grammar *
1 - Can say a few words and phrases, but errors in grammar and word order make speech very difficult for others to understand.
2 - Can express self using simple patterns, but frequent errors in grammar and word order in longer utterances frequently obscure intended meanings.
3 - Can express self using longer utterances, though errors of grammar and word order may occasionally obscure intended meanings.
4 - Can express self well with only occasional grammatical and/or word order errors that do not obscure intended meanings.
5 - Can express self with grammatical usage and word order similar to other proficient speakers.
Add the scores to determine the student’s level. Then determine the student’s level using the following scale:
SOLOM-R Levels:
Score 5–11 = Level I – Beginning
Score 12–18 = Level II – Intermediate
Score 19–24 = Level III – Advanced
Score 25 = Level IV – Proficient.
Total *
Proficiency Level *
Overall, what are the student's strengths and areas in need of improvement? *
What oral language development activities would be beneficial for this student? *
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