The Last Wolf (Domain 1B) Mini Grey
The following questions are designed to allow KS1 pupils to practise and apply their skills of Content Domain 1C. They have been written in a progressive order, and using different question types, to support KS1 pupils of different abilities. Depending on the reading age of pupils, the text can be read by an adult or read independently by a pupil,  with questions being answered independently or in discussion with the teacher. Please see further resources for Content Domain 1B, 1D & 1E using this text.

1C: Identify and explain the sequence of events in texts.
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Match these events to the headings 'First, Next, After that…' to show the order they happen in the story. *
3 points
She slithered through the braken, and pounced on a tree stump.
Red went a-stalking through the forest.
She lurked behind a tree and jumped out on a bin bag.
After that...
Number the events from 1 to 5 to show the order things happen in the story. *
5 points
She found a door.
She went stalking through the forest.
She flung her popgun on her back.
She ran and tripped.
She lost her path.
Retell the story so far. Think about the main characters and events. *
3 points
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