MAC Membership Application Form

Mitcham Angling and Fish Protection Society Inc.

(REG NO A21925Y)

11 BRUNSWICK ROAD, MITCHAM, VIC, 3132                                                         TELEPHONE 0490  760 090
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Email *
First Name *
Family Name *
Mobile Number *
Home Phone  Number
Suburb *
Street Address *
Postcode *
Emergency Contact Name *
Emergency Contact Phone Number *

I desire to become a member of the Mitcham Angling Club and Fish Protection Society Inc. In the event of my admission as a member, I will support the purpose of the Association and agree to be bound by the rules and supporting rules of the Association for the time of my membership being in force.

Select the membership type wishing to apply for below

If you are applying for family membership, please provide family member names and ages below
I agree to allowing my contact information to be made available to club members if you are accepted as a member for contact and involvement in our club’s activities.
General information/preferences *

To meet the various obligations to our sponsors you agree that the club and our sponsors can use your name and your photos for general purposes

Member endorsement: Please seek endorsement of application from two members and name them below (Where possible at time of application)
Fees can be paid over the club bar or via bank transfer.
Account Name: Mitcham Angling Club
BSB: 633 000
Account Number: 107599466
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Where to from here?
Please press Submit below. As per process, the MAC Committee will review your application and, if accepted, formally approve you membership shortly. A member of Committee will contact you by email with further information.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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