Future Events and Event Interest
You may have missed the last event, but now is your change to influence the next event.

No questions are required. If you'd just like to join the notification list for future events, just fill out the first 3 questions. I believe a lot of the best relationships and ideas are formed outside the conference room and so my events will usually be a mix of training, activities, dinners, and nights out all designed to foster personal growth, business advancement, and new friendships and business connections. If you are SERIOUS about attending an event in the next 12 months, I'd like to know more about  your wishes.

I read each and every response. When you fill this out, we will contact you about future events and may also email you about new free content (videos, articles etc) and other training.
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Name *
Email *
Home City
Are you most interested in:
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Do You Currently Work For Yourself?
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What Length of Events Are You Interested In? (check all that apply)
WHERE Would You Be EXCITED To Attend An Event? Note: The list is focused on places I have local connections, or have my own experiences and knowledge to make it something special. (check all that apply)
What topics are you most interested in?
When are you most interested in attending an event?
Roughly, what would you expect to pay for an intimate, 3 day event (You, Dan, and between 6 and 12 other people).
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How many months do you require to make travel arrangements and prepare for a trip?
In terms of accommodation and meals, would you prefer
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If I organized an event that fit your above answers, would you be willing to put down a deposit this week to help make it happen?
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Anything else you'd like me to know?
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