Elementary In-District School of Choice Application for 2024-2025 School Year
Allegan Public Schools offers elementary building "School of Choice" within the district. School of Choice requests are granted if there is space available in the grade level/classroom at the building being requested. Parents are responsible for transportation for their child attending a School of Choice building.

If you would like to apply for the elementary school of choice option, please read the guidelines below and complete the following form.

1.  Choice decisions will be based on space availability in the grade/classroom desired. Please note that it may not be possible to place all children in one household in the same school of choice.

2.  Bus TRANSPORTATION FROM ONE BUILDING TO ANOTHER IS NOT PROVIDED. Please be aware that you will be required to provide your own transportation to your chosen elementary school.

3.  Applications will be available until June 1.  Individuals who move into the district during the summer may fill out an application when they register their children. It is not guaranteed that your request will be granted. 

4.  If the application is approved, the student will be expected to attend that school of choice for the entire school year.  Subsequent annual requests are not necessary unless a different building is being requested.

5.  If the enrollment at any particular grade at any elementary reaches a point that we can no longer honor choice requests, you MAY be asked to return to your resident building.  

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