2024-25 NCTA Various Advisory Committees
NCTA has become an awesome school because of the input we receive from our advisory committees!
The General Advisory provides input for the school as related to industry and communication needs and opportunities. Members should represent business and industry, education, labor organizations, special populations, community and government representatives. This group offers up programming recommendations, labor market data and sponsors the “NCTA Highly Sought After Employability Certificate”. The goals if this advisory is to:
1. Provide input, feedback and approval on federal grant to support Career & Technical Education (Carl Perkins Grant)
2. Bring forth new program recommendations and modification of existing programs
3. Assist with student outreach and leadership opportunities
4. Provide support of student activities such as the Annual NCTA Mock Interviews
5. Support the advocacy of Career & Technical Education of NCTA Programs
The Parent Advisory provides input to the NCTA team to promote partnerships and connections with parents and families. The goals of this advisory is to:
1. Provide strategies to engage parents and families
2. Facilitate communication pathways to partnering high schools
3. Review and provide feedback of NCTA Program of Work
4. Support student celebration activities
The Student Advisory provides feedback to the NCTA team as related to the student experience. We welcome both current and former students. The goals of this advisory is to:
1. Provide communication and feedback to any ongoing or new issues
2. Facilitate communication for NCTA partner high school
3. Provide input on pathways from high school, through NCTA and beyond to both community/technical colleges and universities
4. Explore programs that could be implemented which address the needs and wants of the student body