River des Peres Watershed Coalition Membership Application Form
P.O. Box 300458, University City, MO 63130
Email: info@riverdesperes.org
Website: http://www.riverdesperes.org/

Please complete this online membership form. Thank you for interest in supporting RdPWC.
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Name: *
Stream Team Number:
Please check all that apply to your interests:
Missouri Stream Team: Join a Stream Team, litter pick-up, water quality monitoring, Bike With Your Boots On
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Habitat restoration: Tree or native flower planting, Invasive species removal
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Public outreach: Staff a booth at local events, education programs, social media
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Planning: Develop a watershed plan, design storm water solutions, coordinate with municipalities
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Advocacy: Address policy issues, organize supporters, watchdog pollution, write articles
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Organization: Coalition leadership, fundraising, event organizing, strategic planning
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Would you be willing to make an annual donation to RdPWC to support our efforts?
Please mail check to River des Peres Watershed Coalition, PO Box 300458, University City, MO 63130
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