Hampton University Audition Sign Up
Please fill out the form below if you are interested in auditioning for the Hampton University Band program. Auditions will take place Friday, September 20th from 4:00-5:00 at Park View HS.  You will need your instrument and a prepared piece to perform for the audition. You may also be asked to do some scales and sight reading so be prepared. This opportunity could potentially lead to a full scholarship to the university. 

*SENIORS: You must also have completed an application for Hampton University. For the application Click Here

If you have any questions please email Mr. LeGrand at claude.legrand@lcps.org or thomas.


Mr. LeGrand

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Grade *
Last Name *
First Name *
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High School Name *
Instrument (Check all that apply) *
Have you taken any of the following ? *
If you clicked one of the above what was your score for each?
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