Association Chat Audience Quiz
This assessment is a version of David Allison's "DIY Valuegraphics Archetype Ranking Tool" provided in the Appendix of his book, We Are All the Same Age Now: Valuegraphics, the End of Demographic Stereotypes. Look for the Association Chat long-form interview with David Allison on the podcast!
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I am curious, restless, and like to try new things, eat at new places, and meet new people. I like to belong to groups, and I am not very political. *
Not like me at all
Very much like me
I don't feel as much at home as I'd like in all kinds of ways, and I'm not sure why. I feel a bit unsure about the future. *
Not like me at all
Very much like me
I am not into having stuff, owning stuff, or collecting stuff. Stuff weighs me down. Besides, experiences are more important than things. *
Not like me at all
Very much like me
I have had the same job for a long time. I like things to stay the same. I like my friends and pretty much all aspects of my life the way they are. *
Not like me at all
Very much like me
I am happiest when I have time to be creative. It's one of the most important things in my life. I hate being bored. I spend a lot of time thinking about things that intrigue me. It helps me grow as a person to express myself creatively. *
Not like me at all
Very much like me
The environment is the issue of our time, and the only answer is for each of us to do our part. I wish I knew how I could help more. The politicians aren't going to take care of this for us. We all have to change how we live. *
Not like me at all
Very much like me
I'll admit to having a lot of technology in my life. But I'm not really a technology person. I stay connected with my friends and family with social media and other channels because I feel out of the loop if I don't. *
Not like me at all
Very much like me
I work a lot. But I don't mind because it means I can live the kind of life I choose. I like having nice things. I'm one of those career-first people. *
Not like me at all
Very much like me
I try and save as much money as I can, even if it means a little bit of inconvenience. You never know if tomorrow is going to be a rainy day. *
Not like me at all
Very much like me
I'd like to save money, but it seems impossible! There's always something coming up that can't be avoided. And besides, what's the point if you can't splurge from time to time? *
Not like me at all
Very much like me
Which Association Chat content do you value most?
Not valuable to me
Kind of valuable to me
Very valuable to me
Haven't experienced it, but that's no reflection on Association Chat
Online Community (Facebook Group, LinkedIn Group, MightyNetworks, ...)
Podcast (Audio - Apple, Spotify, Libsyn,...)
Video Interviews/YouTube Channel Articles
Book Club (*Patreon Patrons)
Courses, Webinars, Trainings (offered at additional charge)
Live Events (not currently active)
Tweetchats (not currently active)
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Anything else you'd like to tell us? Guest or content ideas? Funny jokes? Tea suggestions?
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