Bladen County Public Library Community Needs Assessment Survey
The Bladen County Public Library is seeking information to determine the needs of our community. By completing the survey, you will help us to better tailor our resources and services to the needs of Bladen County residents. We want to know what you think!!

Also, at the end, you have the option of sharing your name and contact information for the chance to win a gift card!! Sharing your personal information is entirely voluntary and will only be used to contact you if you win the prize.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What types of activities do you enjoy? Please check all that apply. *
Please choose the items below that are important to you personally. Check all that apply. *
What type(s) of environments do you need/prefer? *
How do you find out about local news and events? Please check all that apply. *
Which of the following information sources do you use regularly (at least once a week)? *
How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted your interests and habits? *
Do you have reliable internet access at home? *
Do you have up-to-date devices at home? *
My knowledge/confidence with technology is *
Not Confident
Extremely Confident
Over the next 3-5 years, what do you feel is the greatest need(s) for you and your community?
Are you a library user? *
How satisfied are you with the services offered by the library?
Not satisfied
Very satisfied
Clear selection
How satisfied are you with your customer service experience at the library?
Not Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Clear selection
Which of the following library services have you used in the past year? *
What factors limit your use of the Bladen County Public Library? *
Is there anything else you'd like us to know about you or any final comments?
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