D26 Club Coach Questionnaire
Thank you for your interest in becoming a Club Coach! Please answer the following questions and I will get back to you as soon as possible to schedule an interview. You can be brief, but there is space for you to provide detailed responses if you would like (in this case more is better - more here will mean a shorter phone interview later). If I do not contact you within a couple of days, please send me a followup email at retChair1819@D26Leaders.org. I look forward to speaking with you soon! Victoria Bard, D26 Retention Chair.
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Toastmasters International: Where Leaders Are Made
What is your Division? *
What is your home club? Are you a club officer? What is your club meeting time (or times, if you are in multiple clubs)? *
How long have you been a member of Toastmasters? *
What education awards have you earned? (check all that apply) *
Club Coaches are advanced Toastmasters who are committed to rebuilding clubs-in-need, utilizing the communication and leadership skills that you have gained. What skills do you have that you feel qualify you to serve as a Club Coach? *
What skills do you want to learn through your experience as a Club Coach? *
How comfortable are you with Pathways? *
I have not selected my first Path
I consider myself to be an expert
Why do you want to be a Club Coach? *
Do you need to be a Club Coach in order to achieve DTM under the legacy manual-based program? If yes, then why do you want to be a Coach rather than a Sponsor or Mentor? *
What do you like most about Toastmasters? *
If you could change one thing about Toastmasters, what would you change and why? *
Due to a recent change of Toastmasters International's policy, if you are appointed as a club coach then you will also receive credit as holding a district office. In order to receive credit for these, however, the club you are coaching will need to reach distinguished status by June 30, 2020. It is possible that you will invest time and the club you are working with will still not become distinguished in that time. Please confirm below that you understand this expectation and policy. *
A club can have 1 or 2 coaches. How easy will it be for you to work with another coach if someone else is also assigned to the same club? Please explain. *
Where do you live or work? How far are you willing to travel? (I do not need your home/work address, unless you want to share it. I just need to know your starting point to figure out if a club is in range for you). *
When are you available to volunteer as a Club Coach? (please be as specific as you can in what days and times are possible for you). *
Do you already have a specific club in mind that you would like to work with? If so, please list the club (or clubs) that you know of that have 12 or fewer club members. *
The club you end up working with could have a number of challenges. How do you plan to establish rapport with the club members? *
How will you assess the needs of the club and turn that into an action plan to get the club to distinguished status? *
Please provide your name and phone number so that I can contact you for an interview. I will first try to email you. *
Thank you for submitting this application! Do you have anything else you would like to add that I did not ask?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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