The purpose of this survey is to understand how returning citizens, their friends and family,  and others see the obstacles and opportunities that people encounter when they return to their communities.  The goal is to listen to at least 5,000 people so that a deep and thorough understanding of the main themes can emerge, along with a sense of who in these constituencies will be willing to work to correct what needs to be corrected or expanded on what is already working.  A summary report of the findings of this effort will be produced at the end.
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1) Since returning, what have been your (or your friend/family member's) most challenging issues?  Please, choose from the following items and rank those that matter to you, with 1 being the most challenging. Do not feel obligated to list multiple items if they haven't  affected you. (please scroll right to see the rest of the columns) *
Finding Decent and Affordable Housing
Finding Employment that Pays a Living Wage
Dealing with Debt
Addressing Mental Health Challenges and Finding Help
Securing a Driver’s License
Resuming or Completing Your Education
Finding Friends – Building a Social Life
Adjusting to Family Dynamics
If you indicated you had another concern in question 1, please specify it here.
2) Since returning, which individuals and/or institutions have been most helpful to you (or your friend/loved one)?
3) What do you wish you had known when you (they) returned? How could you have been better prepared for your (or their) return?
4) How many other returning citizens are you in contact with right now?  
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5) Please check all that apply to you
6) Would you be willing to work with a team of people through New Jersey Together to address an issue or set of issues that affect returning citizens?
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If you are willing to work with us, please write your name, email address and phone number below.
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