Help us improve the experience, tell us why you shop at MAURIPRO Sailing?

Fill up our survey about why you shop at MAURIPRO, and you earn the chance to win a MAURIPRO MX3 JACKET

One entry per email.
Email *
 What motivates you to shop at MAURIPRO Sailing? 
(Please share the main reasons why you choose to shop with us. Maximum 3)
How would you rate your overall shopping experience with us?  1 = Very poor, 5 = Excellent
 Which product categories do you find most appealing or useful?   Select all that apply:
 What could we do to improve your shopping experience?  
 Have you experienced any challenges or issues with your orders or shopping?   (If yes, please describe the issue and how it was resolved, if applicable.)
Which best describes your sailing experience?
Select the option that best describes you:
How do you usually find out about new products or promotions from MAURIPRO Sailing?
Do you have any additional comments or suggestions for us?  
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