Kisai Entertainment - Career Application Form
Hello, Kisai Enthusiast!
Thank you so much for your interest in applying to Kisai Entertainment and joining our team! Within this form, we'll ask you the general questions such as your CV & Portfolio along with some basic personal data, and our team will review your application. If you pass the document phase, our team will contact you through email on what to do on the next phase!

If you have any questions regarding Kisai's vacancy information, you can contact us through our social media or send an email to!

Can't wait to see your awesome application!
We create heartwarming story and mesmerizing illustration webtoon; we are Kisai Entertainment, your webtoon specialist!
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Full Name *
Date of Birth *
Email *
Phone Number *
If your phone number is integrated with SNS such as WhatsApp, please add (WA) or any integrated SNS platform at the end of your phone number.
Nationality *
Address *
Fill in with the area and city you're currently living in; e.g. East Cengkareng, West Jakarta.
Education *
Role Application *
Which main genre do you prefer to work on? *
If you're applying for non-production position, you can just choose your preferences based on likeness to the genre.
Which sub genre do you prefer to work on?
Choose minimum one of your preferences sub project genres. If you're applying for non-production position, you can just choose your preferences based on likeness to the genre.
Experience Level *
Upload your CV and Portfolio *
Please put your CV and Portfolio into one folder and upload it into a cloud service Google Drive, Dropbox, and other cloud service you use. Make sure that the access to the folder is public!
Upload your test result (if any)
Please put your test(s) into one folder and upload it into a cloud service Google Drive, Dropbox, and other cloud service you use. Make sure that the access to the folder is public!
Tell us the salary you're expecting per month to get from the job role you're applying for! *
Please don't use dollar or your own money currency as we are paying using IDR :)
Why do you think that you are perfect for the job you are applying? *
Where do you find this job recruitment? *
What is your all time favorite webtoon and why?
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