UC San Diego Psychology and the Office for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Presents Dr. Helen Neville
Please indicate your intention to attend Dr. Neville's 10/11/18 talk and the reception below.

Title: Defining and Disrupting Color-blind Racial Ideology: What We Can Do To Promote Greater Racial Equity

Please type in your @ucsd.edu email address in the below box. By providing us with your @ucsd.edu email, we are able to pull your name and affiliation from our data and prevent you from having to fill out your information each time. We hope this makes the RSVP process easier!
If you are not from the Psychology Department, what is your home department?
Will you attend the talk at 11:00 am? *
Mandler Hall, Crick Conference Room 3545
Will you attend the reception at 12:30 pm? *
Anderson Conference Room McGill 5326
Graduate Students: If you are a psychology graduate student, will you attend the graduate student breakfast event at 9:30am in McGill 5th floor Atrium?
We can only provide as much food and beverage as we receive affirmative RSVP's.
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